Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Newest Obsession 1.5

Though obsession with Oban Star Racers has not faded I seem to have picked up another one. What? you ask two obsessions at once? How does your head not explode? well the answer my dear readers is that my head has already exploded that's right I'm walking around, watching Oban Star Racers and reading this new manga with no head. Don't ask how I do it I have no clue. but what is this fantastic new manga that has robbed you of your brain case Rin? yes I'm sure this is the question you are all asking. the answer is Tsubasa Resevior Chronicals. yep I used to watch Cardcaptor as a child so I thought I'd give it a try and found that it's super fantastic! the four main characters travel from dimention to dimention through the use of a small white creature named Mokona (I even have a Mokona hat, it's adorable, but I look kinda funny in it.) for the purpose of finding Sakura's lost memories.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I don't get it. I don't think I want to get it... but you are very eloquent for a gal with no head, I must say